Blue Logo - David Virdefors

Fast Fox - Eclipse Java plug-in

After using mouse gestures in FireFox for quite some time I found my self trying to do the very same mouse gestures in Eclipse, unconsciously expecting Eclipse to behave the same way during my software development.

Also inspired by the user interface in the PC Game Battlefield 2 that uses a static centered symbol for menu navigation I decided to create something similar.

In order to use fast fox you just need to do two simple things:

1. Activate

This is important, Fastfox is not activated by default when eclipse is started. To activate it, simply press the icon in the global toolbar.

2. Press & Hold

Hold down right mouse button.
This will make the UI overlay appear, then move your mouse in the desired direction(UP, DOWN, RIGHT or LEFT), and then, release the mouse button.


Fast fox currently supports mouse gestures for the following actions:
  • Back History
    Sets focus the the previous editing position. Screenshot
  • Forward History
    Sets focus the the previous editing position, stepping forward in history.
  • Next Editor
    Opens the Editor list. The same list as you get when pressing Ctrl + F6 in Windows Screenshot
  • Close Editor
    Close active editor. Screenshot

Fast Fox only works for Windows Operating Systems

Fastfox is in beta right now. Feel free to install and try it. Please specify the following update site in your eclipse update manager

Please contact me for support or feedback.

My name is David Virdefors

Born in 1979.
Software engineer at
Favorite color is blue.
oixx is a visual anagram.